Wednesday, February 15, 2006


An Antisemitic Cartoon Contest... Israel. (hat tip: Meryl Yourish.)

Well, that's one response I was not expecting! Not to my taste, frankly... but, as The Sandmonkey (among others) have pointed out, it shows an undeniable Jewish sense of humor about the whole cartoon kerfuffle (and the Muslim response to it). "We'll show the world we can do the best, sharpest, most offensive Jew hating cartoons ever published!" said Sandy. "No Iranian will beat us on our home turf!"

Anyone want to take bets on the chances of a similar Iranian contest?

And no, I have no intention of contributing to this contest. But I wish Amitai Sandy well. After all, the stated intent of the Iranian Holocaust-cartoon contest is to "prove" that the West isn't as devoted to free press as it claims. I enjoy the thought of showing that, yes, the Western world is willing to go a lot farther than Iran is.

(Heck, only last week I heard an idiot from CAIR on the radio, claiming that newspapers would never print antisemitic cartoons. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry; the Arab world being what it is, chances were good that the speaker himself had drawn antisemitic cartoons and gotten them published.)

In an NPR interview on the subject, Amitai points out that the Iranians would never dare hold an anti-Arab cartoon contest... because they're lacking the self-confidence to publicly ridicule themselves (or their Muslim brethren in this case). An Israeli antisemitic cartoon contest, on the other hand, barely qualifies as news!!

Wow. What a crazy world we live in. And thank God for the crazies with a sense of humor.

UPDATE: Speaking of the Danish cartoons, and of crazies with a sense of humor, there's this, which Tim Blair reprinted from


UPDATE II: Here's a great Dutch animation, titled "Gevoelig" ("sensitive"). Hat tip: Michelle Malkin.

UPDATE III: GatewayPundit points out than CNN, when discussing the Danish cartoons at length, insists on pixelating them, so as not to offend -- taking some of the images directly from al-Jazeera, which also pixelated them:

But four days later, CNN, in discussing the preponderance of Arab antisemitic cartoons, showed many of them on the air. Did they pixelate them too, so as not to offend? Of course not:

How is it possible that CNN does not see the blatant double-standard here? And how can CNN possibly justify this behavior to themselves, other than to admit that they are frightened of Muslims but not of Jews? And what does that admission do, to whatever shreds of journalistic integrity CNN might have left?

(Remember, CNN is the organization that justified keeping silent on Saddam Hussein's reign of terror and torture, so as to maintain access to Saddam's regime and keep a Baghdad bureau open -- apparently unaware that, by doing so, they had become a mouthpiece of Saddam, reporting only what he wanted them to report. Perhaps they are similarly unaware that, by publishing only those offensive cartoons that Muslims deem acceptable, they have become a mouthpiece for Muslim extremism.)

Here's my family's take on the matter. (My brother-in-law Noam came up with the idea, and my wife Galit did most of the graphic work.)

(Not as good as this one, but such is life...)


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